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Many of our subscribers have asked how best to filter the ratings, to improve on returns.
There are no hard and fast rules to this question as there are many different ideas on how to use, filter or combine the ratings with other data and opinion.
Below however, are some general ideas that we have listed to show how the ratings could be filtered. These are opinion and for information purposes only.
Races to Avoid
Races with purple horses running in them - unless you are laying non purple horses.
Races with less than 6 runners
Races with more then 14 runners
Any races run by all apprentice or female jockeys
Avoid low graded or poor quality races
Any large festivals - Cheltenham, Aintree, York, Royal Ascot etc
Avoid courses that are experiencing adverse weather conditions - E.g. High winds or snow.
Avoid the first few weeks of each Flat season and NH season.
Evening racing and Bank Holiday / Boxing Day racing can achieve erratic results.
The going of the ground is factored into the ratings already, but late going changes are obviously not, so be cautious of sudden downpours.
Individual horses
Avoid jockeys that are out of form or not in the top 20% of current winning jockeys.
Avoid apprentice and female jockeys.
Look for value, first and foremost. If the second or third blue horse is a significantly higher price than the first blue it may represent better value. The general view is that favourites only win around 33% of races on average. 40% of non-handicaps and 25% of handicaps.
Look at the higher priced blue horses in the Betfair place market.
Look at different dutching strategies
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